The Tony Michaels Podcast

Lizzo TRIGGERS Right Wing Talkers | The Tony Michaels Podcast #239

September 30, 2022 Episode 239
Show Notes Transcript

Let's talk about our democracy for a minute, but let's do it in a way that makes the snowflake's heads explode. Let me be clear before this podcast begins, we are loud, loud, proud, proud, and do not give a fuck. This is the Tony Michaels podcast, Real and raw political and social commentary. The freedom to oppress the rights of other people is not liberty.

You shit eating. Moron, ah, the smell of freedom of speech. This is the Tony Michaels podcast, and this is Tony Michaels. Hey Tony. Fuck him.

Friday. Friday. Friday mean it's Friday.

Floridian is trying to stay safe. Now, South Carolinians need to try to stay safe as, uh, the administration make sure that the, the people that are affected in the hurricanes receive relief. Um, as we'll, we'll find out if the governors are gonna do what they're supposed to do, which is, um, again, when I've been saying this, this is the third day now about Rhon DeSantis, and I'm not gonna stop either.

Ron DeSantis is a piece of shit. He's a piece of trash and he's just not gonna probably do the right thing in the end. Uh, I listened to a little bit of his press conference this morning. He's doing the typical walkthrough right, But, um, again, no mention, uh, he, he mentioned federal assistance, but no, no mention of where and how that's gonna be done.

So, uh, DeSantis again, um, is, is in a bit of a, a quandary here. He has to accept, accept federal assistance in Florida. He has to, he doesn't have a choice here because of this natural disaster, because that's, um, how and what government does. He got it. You fuckers figured it out. Yet, you know who's not libertarian.

You know who drops The whole libertarian thing. The moment there's a national disaster in their, in their general vicinity, no one becomes libertarian anymore. They don't wanna be liberated from government funding anymore, from government interference. They want a lot of it. They become the opposite of Libertarian, to be quite honest with you.

And Ron DeSantis is gonna show his true kes here,

and you can, whatever, you can say I'm politicizing it. But the motherfucker voted, voted as a congressperson not to give aid federal aid to the victims of Hurricane Sandy in New York, Jersey, in New York. He was like, No, they don't get it. This is typical Republican bullshit. Typical Republican, maga, Republican Trumpism Republicanism bullshit.

They're indecent. They have no empathy. They do not. They, they take all, all the humanity out of the American people. All of it. Suck it all out. We see it. We see it on full display with these right wing talkers, absolutely obsessed and pissed that Lizzo can play a flute. We played this video yesterday where she was on stage in the scandalous outfit.

I don't, I don't really understand what was so scandalous about it. I mean, she didn't have tits hanging out. I dunno what the hell they're so fucking scared of. They're terrified, terrified, terrified that Lizzo legs are showing. Literally that's what happened, is that outfit that Lizzo has on her legs are showing and they're just mortified that a black woman, a heavy black woman who's very confident about her body, would show her legs.

How dare you? You people are fucking stupid. This is how I know we've got them on the run, folks. Do you think that this is popular? Do you think this is popular, that they're going to attack an artist like Lizzo because she was playing a flute with a leotard on? What the fuck are you people talking about?

Just because Lizzo isn't white, blonde and thin, because that's what it is. It's fucking pure breaded racism. Pure blooded racism. Full stop. Hundred percent. Now, I asked the question on my Twitter account earlier, but I, I know it's kind of rhetorical. I call them racist pieces of garbage, which Jenna Ellis clearly is.

So is Nick Adams. So is Matt Wall. So is Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk. Anyone else, and I'm sure Tucker Carlson's gonna chime in. Sean, Ty, I'm sure all the fucking racists are gonna line up

to really get a good fucking, a good fucking go at it. On Lizzo playing the James Madison's flute. And they keep saying they're upset about American history, right? That's what, ah, it's a integration of American history. What? That a black woman who, when James Madison had that flute made, would be a fucking slave.

Are you even, are you even comprehending what you people are fucking saying before pukes outta your mouth? No, they're not. That's the answer.

They're pissed off that Lizzo can play the flute. And the reason why there reason why it seems that way is because there's another video of Lizzo playing the flute in the rotunda. And it's not just belting out a few whistles. She's playing that motherfucker. She's got more talent. She doesn't, her main talent isn't even the flute

It's not even the flute. And she does the flute better than they do. Better than they overturn elections. Better than they commit sedition, Better than they get farted on by Rudy Giuliani. Frankly, Lizzo plays the flute better than all of that. That's, but truly, truly what they're mad about

is it's a black woman playing the flute. James Madison's flute, the founding father. The founding racist. Yeah. You come after me about calling James Madison a racist. I don't give a fuck. Come after me. Go for it. Try it. Look, this is typical Republicanism. This is Mago Republican. This is Trumpism. This is fascism in a Make America Great again, again, and again and again.

Hat That's what this is. It's what it's gonna continue to be, and there's no reason to think different or act differently. You do not have to guess how despicable they are going to be. Doubt me. Doubt me. You don't have to guess. You don't have to sit and wonder, Oh, maybe, maybe this time, Maybe this time, Ron DeSantis won't be a vial piece of gross shit.

Oh, maybe this time. Nope, nope.

Believe them. Believe them when they're telling you and they're showing you who they are. Believe them. And it's all projection anyways. Every fucking bit of their, of their nonsense and their, their grievances of the other sad is all projection, all of it full stop. Because they have no arguments. They have no policy.

Their policy is to ban book fairs. Their policy is to focus in on children's gender and their genitalia. That's their policy. You fucking weirdos. You mother fucking weirdos. They're always talking about our children and save the children. Listen, stop talking about children's shit. Okay? Stop talking about their genitalia.

Stop talking about their genders. Stop talking about all that shit and focus on, I don't know, shit. That's like education and shit. Make sure they have access, decent access to food while they're fucking learning why they're reading books. Let's do that. Let's get them to read books and do math without having to bring in c r P.

He's banning math and book fairs in Florida and he can't stop thinking about their genitalia and their gender either. Just can't stop. They're fucking relentless.  because it's all projection, all of it. They don't have a real policy. They don't have a, They don't, they don't have, they don't wanna actually govern.

They want to be a fascist state. Fascist states don't govern. Where the fuck They're authoritarian. You think authoritarians govern? Well, no. Just look what's happening in Russia today. They're happen to put on a big show, a big theater about how Vladimir Putin is great at government. He's not that they had a great election.

That's a fucking fraud. And then you have Fox News and Tucker Carlson sipping for that motherfucking dictator more theater. They don't know how to do it. That's why they hate democracy. Cuz democracy delivers equity and equality. Democracy's hard. They're weak, they don't wanna do the work, and they just want to oppress the rights of other people they think they deserve and are entitled to that freedom.

That's what's at stake, that's what they're doing. When you elect someone to be the, the governor of a state like Florida, who is definitely 100% gonna have natural disasters because it is in the pathway of hurricane. It's not a matter of if it's just when and how bad that actual damage and that disaster will be.

When you elect someone who, who absolutely strips people of their humanity, treats them like meat, but even years before that votes against the same relief that he's going to seek in that seat. It disqualifies him. That alone disqualifies him. You don't even have to get to the fucking high bar of the humanity with these people and it's a high bar for him.

Humanity is a high bar for Republicans. Holy shit. It is just decency and, and humanity is just way up there. It's unreachable for them, Jesus Christ, and we're all standing around wondering how in the hell we're gonna prevent them from taking the House of Representatives. Get out and fucking vote. Engage in your democracy.

Lean in. That's what the fuck you do. Go check your registration today. Make sure your friends and your family are checking their registration. You want people like Rhonda Sandis running, running your state during a MA national disaster trying to get federal funds when he voted against them for other people, because they're just not, They're just not people he like.

Now we have South Carolina, the storm bearing down on South Carolina. Now it's not quite as severe, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it was a tornado in the Midwest, if it was an earthquake out west, if it was a drought or a wildfire somewhere, if it was a flood, it doesn't matter. We're all fucking Americans.

That's the whole point of democracy is we're in it together. We're in it together. We don't have to abandon people just because they have a simple disbelief. They have the liberty of having that belief, just like you should, and everyone else should have the liberty. But the reason why these Republicans get caught up in these times of crisis is because they don't, They don't believe everyone should have the same liberty.

They literally believe that their freedom is to oppress the rights of other people, and they have that entitlement.

That's what they believe. That's his Christian nationalism bullshit. That's why they go on and on and on about Lizzo playing the flute. It sounds weird. You're like, How does that have anything to do with white Christian nationalism? Well, because they're racist. That's why they're fucking racist. And you, you, you don't have to look far of how fucking racist they are.

Just go listen to Herschel Walker. Talk to a crowd. Listen to him semp for racist white people. It is fucking gross. I mean, it is fucking gross. And those people love it. I don't know if he took like some kind of like masterclass from Candace Owens or some shit, but it's fucking gross. Just go look at how racist the Republican party is.

Go, go look at Herst Walker talking in front of a po. I mean, you, it's hard to understand it because he can't fucking hardly put two goddamn thoughts together without his brain glitching guy's got something going on. I, I, you know, I mean, I think it's probably CTE guys just hit too many times in the fucking nogging.

He's, he's got his, his wires aren't all there. It's not, it's not happening up there. But the shit he says about white people, holy fuck is some racist ass shit. Racist ass shit. And I cannot believe that he's standing in front of a microphone saying that garbage. I can't believe it. It's almost unbelievable.

Again, it's almost like he took a masterclass from Candace Owens. Or Charlie Kirk, Maybe Charlie Kirk gave him some advice. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, would you?

But here we are in this state of emergency in Florida, and elections have consequences, folks. They do elections, have consequences. So Ron DeSantis is the governor. He's the one with the power. He's the one that's gonna be able to allocate the federal funds and siphon these funds down through the state and to his constituents.

And he is definitely going to fuck it up because he, that is who he is. He's not gonna change. You think he's just gonna change overnight because Joe Biden gave him a bunch of money cuz the federal government handed over federal funds to make sure to prop up our, our one of our states, our American citizens, help them out.

You think he's just gonna, Wow, I ain't fuck. Well now, now I'm not gonna be so goddamn vile. No, he's gonna continue to be that way. A hundred percento,

but that's what we're dealing with. All the while we got all kinds of news rolling in today. Uh, Genie Thomas, we showed the video yesterday of her showing up. And, um, the January 6th select hearing or, uh, that testimony, Excuse me. She was, she was giving her side of the story and then I  apparently when she comes out to ask her the simple question, if she believes the election was still stolen, she's like, I'll call her side.

Do well, Which that's the reason why she couldn't do this shit under oath, is because they, they don't actually believe this death. Now, I, I don't believe they believe this shit. I believe it's the, it's the same shit that they have to do. They can't abandon, they're vile, gross nonsense. If they abandon it, then they're constituents, they're voting block the MAGA republicans, the fascists out there will turn on 'em.

I mean, if Jeanie Thomas went in front of a microphone yesterday and said, No, it was not stolen. Joe Biden won. It was a free and fair election. There was no funny business. It would tear down the whole fucking thing cuz she's the head qan on her, She's the head qan on her. I mean, she's not q or like a leader of the group, but she was the, she was the message board from Cuban on to Trump.

She was texting Mark Meadows, who is the chief of staff.  who's within farting distance of the president of the United States almost every moment of the day

trying to pump this qan on shit into the, the president's head. And it was working cuz he's still talking about shit that she was texting Mark mens. That is absolutely bad shit. Crazy, crazy ass shit.

So we have that piece of news. Another piece of news in Trump world is this fucking judge, this judge Cannon, you've seen this, She decided to overrule the special master. What is the point really here? What's the point?

What is the point with this special master if he's not gonna actually get to be the special master? This is this just a delay tactic? Oh no fucking way. Surely not. Of course it is. They're trying to delay this as long as they can because dude is fucked. He is completely screwed here. He, this is not gonna go well for him on this documents front.

And it is more obvious now. Now everyone's freaking out. Oh my god. She, you know, of course she has bone head and she was on our bone head of the weak pole cuz it's Friday. It's Friday, and you know what? Friday is Friday's Bone Head of the Week where you vote, you decide, and we break it down. We're gonna break down the bone in the week, in a second hour of today's show, as we do every single Friday.

But this Special Master thing, as much as everyone wants to, you know, get their undies in a bundle here, it doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. And the reason why is because as soon as this Judge Cannon gives the Department of Justice something, a decision to appeal on, they're going to appeal it to the 11th Circuit.

And the 11th Circuit is already proven that they know Cannon is a fucking idiot. And she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing here. . And really, if I was Judge De I would tell them to go fuck himself. I'm done. Yeah, you might, you can take your special master and shove it up your ass then if you're not gonna let me beat the special master, you can go kick rocks.

Fuck him. That's, I mean, if I was de and I wouldn't be surprised if he does that, if he hasn't already. I haven't checked . There's, there's so much shit going on. Holy fuck. I watched the uh, um, Putin sign his little, his little fake election thing today,  his, his fake rear referendum. I watched that political theater this morning.

Live, Live. I watched it. Anyways, you gotta keep up with this shit. You gotta know what the hell's going on in the world. That's why you come here every single weekday, Monday through Friday, noon Eastern 11th, Central nine Pacific on YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch and SMO casting to the face of books, the books of Face.

They're not banning those books yet. If you're on Facebook, you know, we, we, uh, we stream to the minus touch Facebook page, but I also stream to my page, so you should go follow me on Facebook. Don't forget to do that, and that way you can go over there. I, I post a lot of memes and stuff over there and I don't know if you guys like that stuff, but at me, Tony Michaels on Facebook, go follow us over there.

But there's a lot of stuff to keep up on and that's why you should come here every single weekday because we try to break down all the trending. , and I hate to, I'd hate to go back and try to do more about this Lizzo and the flute thing, but Jesus Christ, this is just, honestly, this, this flute thing, this right wing talkers on the flute thing is exactly how they're going to respond to everything.

Full stop. Imagine if these people had power again, they would be fucking sanctioning Lizzo and trying to investigate her for crimes because she played James cuz the, the Library of Congress let her play the flu. I mean, they would be doing all kinds of crazy shit folks, all kinds of crazy shit because they can't, This is three days.

Three days. They've been talking about Lizzo playing a flute and it's historic that a, that a black woman would be the first to play James Madison's flute from like 1813 or some shit. And that's historic. And they're like, Oh, it's integration of history. No dummies. It's a part of history. Now you fucking idiots, just like you, people are losers, is a part of history.

You are. And we gotta make more history here in the next, in the next, well we're now are down to 39 days, I believe, till November 8th. We gotta make history in November, folks. We gotta put it down in the history books that these motherfuckers lost big time. They got mountains of votes piled on top of them.

Mago Republicans. Gone see a bitch every last one of those candidates, Blake, Masters Master, Dr. Oz, JD Vance, Eric Schmidt, Herschel Walker, Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Carrie Lake, every fucking one of 'em gone. Fuck 'em. Just pile em up with mountains of votes and it's up to you. You are the only one that can do this.

And I know it feels like Jesus. I'm only one vote. I'm only one ballot. It doesn't matter. You can engage, you can lean in. Do what you do best. If you text message really good, find a campaign to help. I, I guarantee you there's one out there. If you like making phone calls, do that. Find one. They'll let you make phone calls.

You don't even have to live in the fucking state. You can make phone calls. You can, you can rabble rs. I rabble Rs every single day. That's my contribution. I'm a good rabble rer. I'm damn good at propaganda. I'm damn good at politicizing things and I'm damn good at yelling, screaming in front of a microphone.

So I do it two hours every damn day. For you to take just a bit , maybe just a smidge of that energy, that cathartic energy, and go out and, and lean in.  and absolutely destroy republicanism. Fuck 'em. It's enough of this nonsense fascist bullshit where they want to yammer on and on and on about Lizzo playing the flute, as if that's, Oh my God, that's such a pressing matter that she played the flute and her legs were showing.

Can you believe it? Art? What's happening to our country? What are you talking about? Jesus Christ. Have you ever seen, do you remember in the nineties, there was a country artist, Shania Twain? Do you remember Shania Twain? Beautiful, be great, great artist. She's one of the best, one of the best country artists of all times.

Shania Twain songwriter singer, One of the best. Guarantee you they've never watched the video where her legs are hanging out of her outfit on a music video and they're freak, whoa. Where the, Where's the freak out? Our country's going to hell on a hand basket. And that was fucking 30 years ago. I'm not saying I don't like Shaan, Duane, and I don't like that video.

Fantastic artist, but they don't freak out about that. I wonder why. Hmm. Wonder why? Wonder why that is? Most of 'em probably don't even know that Chenai Duane is Canadian . They don't even know. They have no clue. No fucking idea. Cuz they're fucking brain dead. They're fucking dumb. , their thoughts don't go any further than Tucker Carlson's mouth and his asshole and Sean Hannity News Max and oan, and whatever the QAN on Facebook page says,

You don't have to guess. You know what they're gonna do, and you know what you have to do to stop 'em. You can't let these fucking psychopaths, these lunatic, these racist pieces of shit take power. They're going to take your fucking rights away from you. It is a thing they're going to do. It's their goal, it's their passion.

Really . And they're relentless. They are not gonna stop. Like it's gonna take us 15, 20 years to kinda readjust here probably, and get the fucking, the racists, the Michael Republicans, the Nazis, the fascists to kind of crawl back underneath their rocks. And we'll have maybe some party that has a thin, veiled version of fascism like we had in the Republican party for decades and decades since the Civil Rights Movement.

But right now, that is not our situation. The fascists are at the front door. The America first Nazi party is ready to, they wanna shut that. They're literally campaigning to shut down the government divorce, say down there in Georgia, Marjorie Taylor, Green hoof, foot green divorce, a green is, uh, she is campaigning to shut down the government.

Martin, Matt Gatz, Lauren Bo, all the bone heads are, are running around. Yeah, we're gonna shut down the government. That has never worked for them, ever, ever, that has never worked for them. It's always had an opposite effect on what the American people view as just nonsense. And the reason why is because we, we, the people are the government.

We collectively, us individuals, our communities, our states, our road districts, our water districts, our power grids, all of it, our internet, all of it is the government. It all is. It's all that thing where you set policy and do it well. It's a thing. And they're gonna shut it down. They're gonna shut down.

Your government know, Fuck outta here. That's their goal. Well stop 'em. That's all you gotta do. And then what you have to do is engage in your democracy, participate lean into it. And how you can do that is one way is seek out whatever talent you have.  texting, calling. If you got change, if you got spare change a little bit of money in the couch cushion.

These campaigns are gonna need some money here this last month. Oh buddy, are they gonna need some money? Cuz it costs money to do this stuff. It costs money to deploy these efforts to win. It does. That's one thing that we have the liberty of here is to have to put up with capitalism. So that's what we have to do.

We don't have publicly funded campaigns and you're definitely not gonna get publicly funded campaigns or campaign reform. If you put the fascist in charge, they're definitely not gonna do that. So I implore you lean into your democracy support Prodemocracy speech. That's another thing you can do. You can, you can support our show.

We run off your support. You can go to tony, tony You can leave a one time tip or you can set it up monthly cuz we run on your support and it's not just monetary. We need your support everywhere. So go follow us on Twitter at tony Michael's pod. Also subscribe here on YouTube.

And I wanna thank you. We have 10,000 subscribers as of yesterday on air we had 10,000. So thank you so much to the audience for getting us to 10,000. We are in full growth mode and I believe we are gonna keep. And keep growing because you are our fuel. You are our support, and we run off of your support.

You can also support us by going and downloading every single episode on Apple, Spotify. Google your favorite directory, wherever you go to listen to your podcast. You can download it there. And please, while you're subscribing on that directory, leave us a review if you can, that would help us out. Folks, you are the best audience on earth, the best audience on Earth, and I appreciate everything that you do.

Coming here every single weekday, New Eastern 11th, Central nine Pacific, on YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch, even when we're banned. And then over on the books of Face. It might just touch in my page. I think we're gonna start streaming to Discord. I'm trying to figure it out. I'm really trying to figure out how to stream to Discord, how that works.

I, I don't know Discord very well. We opened up a Discord, uh, server, so you can go follow us over there. If you guys, um, if you guys play around with Discord, you can follow us over there. You got several people that are active over there, and we're gonna start streaming the show in there too, if you wanna watch the, the show in there.

And so, I was messing with it last night, but, Oh, some of this stuff, it's, it's a lot, It's a lot of places that you're going and streaming and here and there and , and then I gotta run the whole show. But I, I appreciate you guys sticking with us every single weekday, listening, downloading, coming, hearing, hearing the great stuff that we have, the great content that we have here at Deton Michaels podcast, The world famous show.

Uh, so stick around because we're gonna get to the shit list Roundup and then to the bone end of the week where you vote. You decide. We break it down. Don't go anywhere. Bone Head of the week is coming up at the top of the hour. Stick around, we'll be right back. We'll be right back. Mark 60 seconds. This is the Tony Michaels podcast.

I've always wanted to learn a new language, but whenever I try, it never sticks. So when Babble made a mag edition, I knew I had to give it a try. Babble Mag Edition makes it really easy to learn, and there's lots of lessons to choose from, like subtly racist to full blown white supremacists. The first lesson began with learning simple phrases, and soon I was putting those words and phrases into a conversation.

Each lesson takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and they're all really different, which keeps things interesting. The app is really smart. It actually keeps track of the words that I'm struggling with. I chose Babbel Mag Edition because it's created by smart white people like me, and now I can't wait to explore, meet new friends, and use my new mag of skills with my in-laws.

All lives matter.

Jumping back into it. This is the Tony Michaels podcast.

Some people over on Discord saying, Yes, stream the discord, please. They're begging for it, apparently . So maybe you should go over on Discord if you are on there and get in the chat there on Discord and, and we can, we can try to stream over there and figure that out. I gotta figure out how to do that.

Maybe I should just go do some research over the weekend and figure out how to stream to Discord. You know, like the cool thing about Discord, and I'm not sure exactly how it's done, but I know it's, it's a possibility where we could probably actually take, um, uh, calls. We can take call, like you guys can call in on Discord.

because it's almost like a walkie talkie phone type app where you can talk into it. So if you have a question, we can bring you up on the, uh, on the discord, and you can ask it right here, live on the show. As opposed in the live jet, you could actually talk, you could talk to us. I believe so. I think that's the case.

I'm not sure , I, I don't know. I don't know. There's, there's so many apps and so much technology out there now that we, we have to, we have to figure that out. So, But anyways, anyways, back to back to our business at hand here. Um, we've got a lot of news to get to today, and I've got some, uh, video that I wanna show you here, um, because we gotta get to Bone Head of the Week.

So let's do this. Uh, first off, let, let me, let me say again, I really appreciate you guys getting us to 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. It means so much to us to hit that milestone. I know the next one is 20,000, and we'll probably get there, uh, even quicker than we ever dreamed of getting 10,000. And the next mark would be a hundred and so on and so forth.

But thank you so much for, for getting us to 10,000, sticking with us, um, every single weekday. We do this every single day for two hours. It's a lot of content, It's a lot of time and effort to put into a show. And the reason why we do it is because of you. We do it because of you, and we run on your support again.

So if you want to give a tip, Just go to Tony Michaels not live slash chip, or you can just go to Tony. Michaels not live. It's right there on the homepage. You can give a one time tip dollar, $2, five hours, what whatever you want. Whatever you want. You can set it up monthly if you want to do it that way.

Uh, so thank you to everyone who, who does support us, not just monetarily, but they also, the merch, the merchs been flying off the shelves. We've got this dark brand design that is going like crazy right now. Store dot d tony, store dot dto The link is down in the description. All these links are down in the description of the YouTube video.

So go, go check that out. Go check that out there. And the other one that's flying off the shelf says, Rhonda Santa can go fuck himself. Of course, how I broke it for this time right now, store dot the tony Thank you for all your support here on the Tony Michaels podcast. So let's do this cuz we got, we got Bon end of the week coming up at the top of the hour.

Gabe Sanchez is gonna join us in just a few minutes. Let's get to the shitless roundup. Let's surf some Tweety tweets in 20 trendy. Twin. Twin. Let's surf the Tweety tweets and trendy trends. Start the countdown,

the shit list. Welcome back to the shit list Roundup, where we round up all the Tweety tweets and the trendy trends. Get to the news of the day. Boy, do I have a video to show you here of Nancy Belosi, Just absolutely dunking Kevin McCarthy in the fucking, Trish dunked him in the trash. I'm not sure exactly what the reporter asked, but she responds was, listen.

Respond to those kind of questions. I mean, with all due respect, I'll respect to your question at the end, but not to his comments because I don't even know what he's talking about. I don't know if he does. But the fact is, , ah, there she says she doesn't even know. What if Kevin McCarthy knows what he's talking about.

I don't know what he's talking about. I don't even know if he knows what he's talking about. Holy shit. Just totally dunks him in the fucking trash. I'm not even sure what the question was. I'm sure it's about his, his uh, his, his, his plan that he has. Have you guys noticed that this, his plan went away?

Have you noticed this? And this plan is gone. What republicans? They had a, they had a what? They had a plan. What plan? Holy shit. You notice I played babble the Mag edition. Um, and it's not quite a dating app, it's a language app, but there's apparently a new dating app out there for, for conservatives.

That's how they bill it. Fascist. It's fascist. And they did a little commercial. Now, when I watched this, at first, I almost thought it was a parody. I almost thought it was sat there. I'm not shitting you. This commercial is . It's kind of funny, actually. It's kind of funny. It, it almost couldn't be more well written if it were attire.

But it's obvious in the commercial that these are not real users of this new. New fascist app. This, this, this Nazi meetup app, or whatever the hell it's supposed to be. It is very obvious that these people were paid to say this stuff, which I don't blame 'em. I mean, you know, if you're, if you gotta, you gotta get the job done, right?

you gotta make, you gotta make some change. I don't blame them. You gotta watch this. Uh, just let's, let's watch. Mm. It's only a minute long. It's laughable though. Let's listen. They, Dave,

what are you looking for in a partner? They just have to be a conservative. Definitely someone that wants, I like an independent man. Personally, I like the Alpha Mill vibe. I want a man who really loves his family. Definitely someone whose faith is important to them. For me, it's someone who actually wants to meet my parents.

Why do you want to date a conservative? For me at least, I know that we're gonna start off with some shared values. Well, the conservative man I've dated at least know how to treat me like a woman. In my personal experience, conservative guys have better manners. This, I like that they understand their role in the relationship.

As a man, I just prefer my men to be m. And what's the biggest red flag when it comes to dating A Democrat? No. Democrats. A Democrat. Can't be a Democrat. A Democrat? That's easy. A Democrat. No Democrats to know . Find the right. Oh my God. So it's called the right stuff here. That's what it's called. The rat stuff.

Whatever you do, whatever you do, do not . Do not download this app. Create a bunch of fake profiles to make fun of these people. Please do not do that. That is not a thing that you should do. . It probably, it probably would be funny, hilarious to flood the app with a bunch of fake accounts and really s shit in their cereal.

Does anyone really believe this shit? Does anyone believe that any one of these people in this, in this, uh, this ad believes anything they said other than they believe that they were getting paid to say it ? Well, the the best part is, the best part is, is the laugh at the end wants this, where she laughs at the end.

They made it like, Oh God. Oh God, she's laughing. She's embarrassed that she even had to say that script. That's what, that's why she's laughing. They thought they would cut that out. She really thought they would gut that out. , uh, you gotta be fucking shitting me. It's called the right stuff. That's literally what it's called, the right stuff.

They're looking for manly masculine men with manners. Let me ask you folks, do you think, do you think that, that you would go find a great Ben Shapiro type on this app that would be masculine and manly with manners? Oh, fuck outta here. Get the fuck outta here. Come on. A lot of people don't want people with manners in the first place.

They don't want someone who's gonna capitulate to Nazis and have manners around Nazis. Fuck you. No, that's not what we want. We want people who are gonna fucking saying the sh say the shit that we need to say out loud. And sulfur here has the, uh, has the right idea. The white stuff. Yeah. Seems like it.

Seems like it. So whatever you do, please don't just, you know, I know you're getting these ideas in your head like, Oh, what could the, the, the profile pick be and the, the screen name. Just don't, don't go over there and create a fake profile and flood the zone with this thing. It's probably not a good idea.

Oh my God, I want, so go fuck with these people over there and mess with 'em. They've tried these, they've tried these maga dating things several times and I think, Isn't this, um, Isn't this Kaylee McIn? Um, Sister's app. Isn't this or app? Gabe Sanchez? Do you know? Is, is this Kay Mc Andi's, uh, sister's app? Is that, is that what this is?

Mm-hmm. . This is the one. So this is a Peter Teal. Supposedly. He's, he's funded this, the white stuff. I mean the, the right stuff. The right stuff, the right white stuff, right? Yeah. But, um, it, I don't know. I couldn't, I sent this to you this morning. I'm like, we couldn't even write this any better. They stole this from us.

Like we, we, It's so sad. Cause I think you're working, Aren't you working on something that's, you know, I have a, uh, hold on. That looks at my, my settings are blurry right now. Oh, there you are there. Oh. Much better. Much better. There. You, ah, look there. Look at that. Look at that handsome dude, Chris. Holy shit.

Okay, so yes, I am one. I'm working on a, uh, I write stuff commercial. And two, you know what, since we're on the topic mm-hmm. , let's just play a video that I have. Oh, great. Did you load it in? I'm, I'm loading it in as we speak, so that's good. One moment. Uh oh, speaking of loading in is the, uh, b o t w. Okay.

Okay. It's right. Okay, good. B o t w b o t w of the week. Up and in. Okay, good. Well easy there fella. Easy there. Fella. Oh, sorry. Huh. Easy there fella. Um, so what's this video that we're gonna watch here? So this is actually, um, so, you know, obviously with app development there's a lot of, um, uh, you know, prototypes you go through, right?

Mm-hmm.  to test it out to make sure that this is actually, uh, working as you want actually. Um, and so as you saw in that commercial, the video for the right stuff, there's a bunch of, uh, people giving testimonials and this is when they were, you know, kind of prototyping the idea of the right stuff. Oh, okay.

So they were working on the scripts when they paid the actors, because this is clearly when you watch that commercial. It's clearly a bunch of actors. These, these are not, these are not real testimonials. These people have not used the app. They have not dated anyone inside this app because they're talking about conservative men that are masculine with manners and like, really Have you, have you like done any kind of research on the internet about these MAGA types?

I doubt manners is really, um, no, no, no. Because it's both. It's both. For, you know, Republican men and women are conservative men and women to find each other. Um, it's interesting that they only bring up the women in this, uh, Right. Wasn't only women in this example were there, It was only women. It was only women in this particular, Right, right.

So this advertisement, this version actually is with only the men. Oh, so, so you're saying, you're saying, um, the one that you have here mm-hmm.  is with men only in this video? Yep. This is the MAGA men version. Oh, okay. So, so this would be like the, the opposite because there's  Gabe, and this app. I'm sure there's only two genders in this app.

Yeah. That's probably only two. Yeah. Well, I think for sure, I think that, I honestly think in their first promo video, they said specifically that they're like, Are you looking for places that you only have to have one? Or, or like, you have to have two genders so it's easy. You don't have to play this pronoun game.

If I remember correctly, they definitely did a dig at pronouns and gender. When they did the initial, like, Hey, check out the right stuff. I mean, the white, I mean the right stuff, you know? Uh, but yes, there will be an app called the White stuff. Um, this is their promo for the right. Oh, stuff. So, so in other words, this, this is a competing app?

No, no. This is the, Oh, this is the same map. This is, this is the right stuff. It's, it's in, I loaded up into, uh, okay. I got it there. Let, let's play this and see what, what, what, uh, , what we're looking at here. How you looking for

where can be. Hi, I'm Joseph. Will you be my 12 to 14 year old Mary? If you're one of those overeducated and underloved millennial women who own cats and microwave dinners, , hit the fast forward button, Honey. Hi, my name's Philip. Will you be My earth and vessel? Hobbies include book banding and ball tanning.

If a man meets a virgin who was not bero and seizes her and lies with her, it was a minor mix up. I was her groomer and, um, uh, groom, uh, groom. Groom to be, gotta be white. Life's the classroom, you know, I'm just looking for someone to homeschool. Hi mom. I'm celibate by choice. Of course. No smokers, no dors, and definitely no ropers.

Hi, uh, I'm, I'm looking for a producer of a domestic supply of infants that I. Stock Powell.

So that's a hell of a commercial. That's a hell of a commercial. Was early, early prototype commercial. You know, obviously just from the male perspective, cuz that's, that's pretty important in this day and age. They're a underrepresented, marginalized community that needs their voices to be heard. Oh shit.

Oh boy. I can't wait to see how popular this, this app write stuff gets to be. You know, they've tried this maga dating app several times and it's never, it's never worked out. Oh. I mean, if I, let me, uh, cuz when I was, when I was, uh, looking for that video, you know, I felt it somewhere on the deep web. Mm-hmm.

Right. Uh, it looks like you did, It doesn't look like you dressed up in several outfits in front of a green screen and made Not at video. Not at all. . That is not a thing that happened. Did you post that on Twitter? You should put that somewhere. Yeah, I'm Okay. Good. I'm gonna, I'm gonna put it up there. So, uh, there are, there was like more than 13 sites that I think, uh, were these conservative dating sites?

Mm-hmm. , There's 13 of them. Well, there were more at the time. Um, they're not writer patreo. Oh. These are just three like that I can find right now. Uh, um, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Say the names again. Writer, writer. Like write like R i h R i g T G h. R I G H d e r. Right? Yeah. It's a, like the right, the right wing, the right stuff.

They're not very creative when it comes to, Not at all. The is horrible to the actual name. So, but yeah, it's, uh, let's see. There's writer, uh, conservatives only of course, Right? Um, oh, so is that like, is that like a farmers or whatever? Yeah, it's kind, Yeah, it's kinda like that. Yeah. It's kinda like a play on then.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, there's also Donald Daters Make America Date again, is the tagline that they gave in. Can you imagine, can you imagine actually meeting up with these people? Cause I mean, you got all the people, , I mean, it, it would be a good experiment though, right? Mm-hmm. , you know, they'd berio Patreo dropped.

Thet is for conservative, patriotic singles. Um, see, the thing is, all of these apps came in to play when Donald Trump was in office, especially when he first came into office. Mm-hmm. . However, they quickly shit the bed because they don't have a lot of people that were joining. I mean, let's see, Patriot had, uh, Wait, wait.

Could, is it, could it be. And I'm just snowballing here, Uhhuh, could it be that most women don't like to be treated like pieces of meat, Like these fucking idiots wanna treat 'em. And, and that it was only dudes signing up on these, on these apps. I mean, I'm not saying that's it, but it could be that like, I'm sure, I'm sure these women just snowballing, were like, Oh, I'd love a conservative man.

And then, you know, they join all these apps, right? You know, you want have options. You wanna see what's out there. You know, you're on Bumble, you're on Tinder, you're on Patriot, you're on, uh, conservatives only you're on Trump singles, you're on Donald Dates. Like these are all these apps that come out there.

So, you know, they join the apps, right? And they wanna see what are the options. And they go through and they realize that all the same fucking white cis dudes are on that app. And like, Shit, I already, You think, look, they all look like they live in their mom's basement. You think that's oh, 100%. 100%, 100, or, or they look like something they're not right.

Or they're like, you know, there's always like the, what photos you include. I'm with a group of friends, I'm with the dog, I'm with my nephew slash niece, you know, you gotta show that. Uh, I've got a sensitive side, but I could be real tough. Like, Oh look, I'm, I'm doing a, a Donald Trump pose on a stump long with a, with a plaid shirt on.

Kind of look. Mm-hmm. , there's that one too. Like, there's all these things, but I think when all the women are joining them, they do realize shit. Well actually the actual dating pool. Isn't that big , and it's not that great, right? Oh man, these are, these are the Trump supporters I've been looking for. Is that probably what they're thinking?

You know, the other thing too is I'm sure it's a lot of fake faked up accounts, right? Because you see this a lot on Twitter. Like they got, they got these accounts in these Trump trolls. Mm-hmm. , he's, he's fucking mega trolls where they, they got like, it's not a real account. I mean, like, it's a person, you know, being a troll, but it, it's all faked up.

It's not real. Yeah. There's nothing real behind the, about the account. You know, It's just some dude sitting in his mom's basement or something who's got some grievances because he was rejected by a bunch of women because he's an asshole. I mean, that's probably, I'm just, I'm just snowballing here. Um, I mean, those are the facts.

Those are the facts. Those are speaking of facts, okay? I don't mean to go another day where we're talking about this fucking flute thing, but Jesus Christ, they just can't quit on this flute thing right now. This is more green m and m, Mr. Potato Head, c rt, they're taking your country doctors, all this. It's the same shit.

Mm-hmm. . And if you think that you wanna put these people in charge who were absolutely concerned with Lizzo playing a flute because her legs were showing people are dumb. I wanna show you another video here. Gabe, though, this video is of Lizzo playing the. And she's actually in the rotunda. Um, I believe that's where this is.

Mm-hmm. . And, um, she, because the video we watched yesterday, she just belts out a few whistles, right? Yeah. And again, I don't know if it's called whistles, and I might, I, I might offend some flutist. You call them something different. Loudest. Flutist. They're called flutist, right? The people who play flutes, they're flutist.

Ah. So, oh boy. Um, here's the thing that, she belts out a few whistles here, but this, she is playing a song here. This is, this shows that she is super talented, that she can pick up a damn crystal flute from 1813. Didn't that when it was RU 18. 13. That's great. Yeah. Pick it up, whistle into that son of a bitch.

And bam, music comes out. Now I, I'm pretty good. At, at, at singing, and I'm not very good at instruments. Mm-hmm. . So I, I don't have a talent to like pick up and, I mean, I can make it make a sound, It just wouldn't sound worthy shit. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, um, someone asked me the other day, there was a piano.

Someone like, ah, you should play on it. I'm like, Are you kidding me? That would not be a good idea. I don't know how to play the piano. Yeah. And it would bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang b. That's exactly what a P sounds like. Right? Well, that's what it would sound like when I play it. Right, right, right.

But Lizzo is talented enough that the flute, she plays it beautifully. Even a crystal flew from 1913, and that's not even her greatest talent. It really makes me think that they're beef here is that she's black. Mm-hmm. . It really, it really starts to get that, that feeling. Because when you watch this video, because they're talking about the other video where she's wearing the outfit where her legs are showing and they, they say she was twerking, which I don't think that is tw, I don't know, I don't know really what twerking is, but I don't know if she's tw.

But anyways, her legs were showing, they were offended that her legs were showing, God forbid, a woman did what she wanted with her own body. Cause she, God forbid, has a choice. God forbid her legs be showing while she's playing. Triggering two, triggering a black woman playing white man's flute with legs showing in front of a crowd who's cheering.

They get really upset. But here she's not.  gonna have an aneurysm over here. Do you think, do you think that's like, um, I wonder if on, um, the right stuff, the white stuff dating app, if mm-hmm. , that there should be, there should be more pronouns, there should be triggered. There should be Trump one. I'm sure there's more than just two pronouns.

We need to check into that. Remember, remember Ted Cruz said, My pronouns are, uh, kiss my ass. And it's like, what does that man mean? I don't know, dude. He's trying to be tough and like, no, Ted Cruz is nothing but a K. Okay. Oh my God. Have you seen the video of him on an airplane? And that guy cuing him while he's trying to get his, he's like, when he was like, Your tie, fix your fucking, I know the names of the victims.

Vivaldi. Okay, gimme one. He's like, I'm, he's like, I got, I gotta go to Cancun here soon. I gotta go back. The NRA just paid for a, a, a little, little beach que in can PayU champ. So, um, here in this video, Lizzo. Mm-hmm.  belts out of fucking tune out this cri again, this is a crystal flute from 1813 folks. She is the first American to play this thing.

That's the other thing that pisses 'em off, that it's not a white dude playing this thing the first play. Exactly. Well, again, like I said yesterday, piss him off. These people did not know this thing existed. No. The first time they learned about it was when she got it on stage and then they saw the video online.

They're like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. The only lips that should be on that flute are white man's lips, . That's what they want. That's what they want. And they're just so upset that they're like, Oh, we weren't in, even in viewing distance of this thing in real life, we now have to find out that this thing exists.

And it was, I don't know if it was ever really played before that, Uh, since 1813. No, I think, I think that is the point here. The Library Congress wanted someone to play this thing and they found someone, I don't know, with talent. Crazy, you know, crazy. Who to thunk it. Uh, they found someone talent to play it because they wanted, they wanted to show the world through content because the way you show the world stuff now is through social fucking media.

There's no fucking newspapers for, That's the only thing stories anymore until, you know, people want to ban social media. Much like Republicans are banning books so that we remove certain moments, facts from history. You would you, are you saying that Republicans might try to scrub these images from the internet if they were to take power?

Okay, let's watch this. This is a beautiful video, by the way. Um, not only is she playing the flute, but she's in a, in a fantastic of rotunda here. Uh, the crowd is watching her, Everyone's taking a video because it's mesmerizing. This is a little, well, once in a, it's once in a lifetime moment, right? This is a little different than the video we watched yesterday because she's not on stage in front of a crowd.

Right. She's literally, I mean, I mean that was historic, but this is even more historic here because this is more of an intimate moment and she actually gets to play this thing mm-hmm. , um, not just, not just for a crowd, but she gets to play it for herself in this hall to hear it. Um, which is, I think, kind of what she's doing here.

And it's, it's, it's actually beautiful. So listen.

And there you have it. Mm-hmm. , How about that? Son of a bitch? I mean, God forbid a classically trained black woman with this amount of talent is able to play this crystal flute, which I never even knew that you could make a flute. Right. I had no idea. Crystal. I had no idea. That's scary. She makes, she was, she makes the joke on stages, like playing a wine glass.

Right? Right. Exactly. Which is hilarious. Which, you know, the closest thing I can play to plain a wine glass is the, the water on the rim going, you know? Oh, you can make it, make noise. Is that beauty? If you were in a beauty badge, would that be your talent? Yeah. Like, you know, like Sandra Bullock and Mexican Gene.

Mm-hmm. , She's playing all of them. I'm not that good, but I can, you know, I can hold, You can make him make noise. I can hold one frequency. Oh, okay. So, So you're about as good on the wine glass as I am on the piano then? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it's the piano. Piano. Oh, okay. So, So here we have Lizzo, which I wanna point out her legs.

Are not showing in this now our mid, a little bit of pan. See, the, you know what they're really upset about, I think is that Lizzo was at a concert and she's a musician, Right? And generally when musicians have concerts, like, and I pointed out Shania Twain is, is uh, a very great artist. I mean, you could put Lizzo and imagine that, that's a great idea.

Maybe I should pitch this to Lizzo and Snia Twain. They should do a concert together. Like they should do a concert together. That would be a fucking banging time. But here's the thing. Shania Twain would wear outfits that look like Lizzo in the video in the nineties, and they're acting like the her outfit is new and denigrating.

Like, what are you talking about? Female. Female artists have been wearing outfits like that for decades. You do. They remember Madonna in the eighties, right? Come on, give me a break. I don't see anyone complaining about if there are men on stage dancing with little to no clothing or taking their clothes off during a show, runs around with his shirt off.

Run around the shirt up, but here in this moment, because this is an intimate moment with Lizzo and the flute, right? This is, this is, I, I actually like this video way better than the other one because it really, it really show, it shows off her talent here. Um, and, and again, for them to bitch about this one, like she's dressed in street clothes.

Like this is, if you were to run into Lizzo, into, in a grocery store, this is what you get. And she'd probably be nice as shit to you. She wouldn't be a bastard, like the people who sign up on the right stuff, um, you know, have no manners. But here, here, uh, this is, this is the piece of content that I wanted to show you this video, but Jenna Elli, you know, all the dudes, all the white, right, Right.

White wing. White right wing, right. I, I saying, see, I keep getting right and white mixed around today. I mean, are they any different? Yes. I don't know. It, Um, it's beginning to get to one in the, but, but there is, there is, uh, there is something in, in my mind that, you know, that I think about here is like, I guarantee like if there was, you know how they do like the Pepsi taste test challenge, right?

Like, is Coke or is that Pepsi? What is it? Right. They they get like Coke and Pepsi and a glass and they're unmarked. Right? Right. Exactly. And you gotta guess which one, which, mm-hmm. . If they were like, Hey, we're gonna play you two songs on the flute. Mm-hmm. . Blindfolded, you're gonna tell us, Oh, you know what you think?

Yeah. Right. Yeah. And they'd be like, Oh man, they both sound beautiful. They sound great. And they're like, All right, this is this white person and this is Lizzo . Or, or they give it back and they're like, This artist is classically trained. She's done this many years, da da da. She's toured this many places.

And they're like, Oh my God. Who is it? Like, you have an image in your mind, sounds like fantastic Lizzo. And it's one of those things, Can you imagine the triggered that would happen? Yeah. I mean, imagine anyone in, in, in the area that she was playing that song that were like, Oh man, that's really nice. Like a Republican like lawmaker was like, Oh, that's really nice.

And they're like walking through and like, Oh my God. And they'd be like, , Well, you know, this is the thing. Like no one's, no one would see this coming, that they would freak out over this. Like, that's why I mean's that's the mentality that we s have that's the same green imminent Mr. Potato head. The same shit.

The same fucking shit. The same nonsense. Right. And the dudes, I mean, it's, it's almost like it's their job to do this stuff. Mm-hmm. , the, the Ben Shapiros, the Matt Walsh's Tucker cars. You got, you gotta be out racing. Charlie got somethings, especially when it's got a vagina involved. And when it's a black vagina, shit lose their minds.

They're triggered. But in this video it is, uh, the fart catcher Jen Ellis. I don't know. I That's covid the covid fart catch. Yeah, that is true. Because he farted on her and gave her Covid. Right? Yeah. That's where, cuz I have the nickname Grandpa Farty Shardi, which is, that's what I call Rudy Giuliani.

That's where it came from. That video, that little video where he farts on her. Right, right. That's where I got the nickname Grandpa Ty. Yeah. And he farts way into the mic. Like Yeah. He even kind of, somehow, somehow he, you know how, you know how like Ventrio can like throw their voice, Right? He's able to just like throw his fart.

I know. Somehow he threw the fart to the mic and everyone heard, And Jen Janelle was like, What? And she, she moment give the face, she got covid. She, she does give the face. Well, what I find really stunning here in this video is how Jenna Ellis goes after Liz o's size. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? I mean, this is, this is crazy that, you know, and I, I've, I've talked to a lot of different women about this and asked them about this and they've told me that women are vicious.

Generally speaking, women hate women more than men hate women. Like this is a thing and I, of course I'm not one, so I don't know. And I don't know if this is some of this, but really honestly, Gabe, this smells of racism really bad. Like the, it's got that, that stench. So let's why I have not heard a single valid reason why Lizzo should not be able to play that.

Well, I mean, obviously she knows how to play it right? I mean, she's talent enough to pick it up and play it. I, I, I mean, Jesus Christ, I shouldn't even be allowed to touch a crystal flute from 1813, let alone Yeah. Put my lips to it and blow into it. Like I'm gonna fucking make it make sound or some shit.

But now do you have her? She can. I don't know. It could also be some sort of Freudian, like flic kind of, uh, thing where they're like, Oh, a flute. Oh, you know? And I don't know. Oh, so you think these guys are like, like flutes wink, Like is that what you're thinking? Maybe Janelle. I mean, you know, it's, I'll tell you what, this, this face here that I gotta paused on.

This looks like the fart face. This looks, Oh, farting. This looks like the, you farted on me face, right? It, it definitely looks like that. Okay, let's, let's watch Jenna Ellis embarrass herself cuz it is embarrassing. And in, in just the last few minutes that I have with you, uh, Ryan, I wanted to turn to this, you know, just crazy culture, pop culture story about Lizzo.

And this is just, I think a beautiful example. And a perfect example. Um, it's actually, you know, hideous, but I, I say it's beautiful in, in a rhetorical sense because, um, of, of pop culture and just where the left is looking to shape and move our country. So what happened? And if you haven't watched the video, um, do so at your own.

Okay. First off, Lizzo, it's not the left pushing Lizzo. Lizzo is one of the most talented artists in this fucking country. Not only is she a talented musician and dancer and of, of loudest, as Gabe says. Mm-hmm. , am I getting it right there? Yeah. Loudest. You got it. Of brilliant loudest. She is. She is a tremend.

Actor as well. She, she is so fucking talented and just because she's a, a, a heavy black woman that disqualifies her from being part of pop coat, Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. This, this idea that Lizzo does not get to be part of pop culture because she's talent is just absolutely fucking ridiculous.

What is this? The 1930s, forties and fifties where white people steal black people music as if it's their own and crowd around on records and appropriate their culture and their fucking music and sell it as rock and roll. White people rock and roll. Get the fuck outta here with this old ass bullshit.

That's exactly what she's doing here is saying The left is somehow pushing Lizzo on people. No bone head, no one, no. Also, I wanna point out that no one brought this up. She played it and everyone's like, Holy shit. She played a crystal flute. That's crazy, right? And it's like also people being like, Holy shit, we didn't know that thing existed.

But the only people that are pushing it are the right, because they're upset as we see from Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, you know, Jenna Ellis. Like all of these people are incredibly upset and triggered. That she was able to do this, right? She got this opportunity to play this flute in front of other people that they didn't know existed, or they weren't able to see or touch or whatever it is.

I don't fucking know, but it's their, it's their jealousy, their envy, whatever you wanna call it, that a talented black woman was able to use her talent to play this, this musical instrument. And that is the only thing that's being pushed right now by them, by saying like, Oh, how dare they do this? How no one else, no one else is pushing it as hard as people like, uh, those on the right.

And, and when I say pushing it, I mean maliciously pu pushing, right? Not like, Oh my God, this is amazing. They're saying, Oh my God, this is such a stain on our, Oh, she goes a lot further here in video. She goes a lot further than this in this video. But it really is, it, it's, it's just weird to me that, that the Library of Congress approaches Lizzo because they want people to know mm-hmm.

about this flute from 1813, which is a part of American history. It's really fucking cool. Yeah. And they thought, What better way than to get one of the most talented artists in this country to play this fucking thing and play it well and do some fucking social media videos so people know this thing exists.

So people, I don't know, think libraries aren't a bad thing. Yeah. Because this is held at the Library of Congress. . It's just, it's fucking, I I just, Well, let's just listen to the bone head of here, bone risk, because, you know, Lizzo is basically famous, I think, for being one of the most morbidly obese people in the world who claims that she's oppressed.

And yet I have to, I I, I can't even, I mean, what, three seconds I, I bleed into this thing again. Why is that even relevant? Well, I mean, I think she's, she's referring to the fact that Lizzo is very confident with her heavyset frame, but she's not, but not famous for being morally obese. She's famous because she's one of the greatest artists on earth right now.

Yeah. Like that is the fact, and that's really what pisses him off. This is also just that kid rock isn't, you know, selling the records at Lizzo. Right, Exactly. But this is also the same type of stuff that you hear from them whenever you try to present an argument or like, Hey, let's have a debate. Let's present the facts.

As soon as you debunk anything, it, it directly becomes this personal attack. And this is an example. She doesn't have anything to critique about Lizzo because she was able to play the flute and do it well. Right. So the only thing that she can do is attack her personally. And it's this moment of fat shaming, which is like, that is not okay.

That's not something we do. That's something you just keep to yourself and whether you have your own insecurities because you're not as talented and you don't have as much attention and you've got this show that on, I don't even know where the JS show is. I don't know, but it's one of those things when you look at that trail news networkers, I'm sure fat shaming and attacking someone on a personal level, like in a malicious, negative way, you're not doing yourself any good because you're making yourself look even more like a dip shit and an asshole.

You know, the best part about this whole thing is Jenna Ellis and any MAGA Republican anywhere, even even the, the MAGA king himself couldn't sell out an arena like Lizzo could. No . I mean, not even, So if we're going on crowd size here, you fucking bone heads are gonna lose every single day of the week with crowd size with Lizzo.

Like you people really, And that's what I, I, I wrote the question this morning on this video. I was like, Why do they think this is gonna be a popular stance? Like, how do they think that this is gonna build a constituency around attacking Lizzo? I mean, it would be one thing if it was like a really to talented person who was a bio piece of shit.

Like Brett Farve, who stole a bunch of fucking welfare money from the state of Mississippi to build his fucking daughters goddamn volleyball when he's got millions of dollars that he could have donated and put his own fucking name on it and not stole poor people's money. You piece of shit, Brett Farb.

But the dude can throw a football, he's talented, he can throw a football. So we have to deal with vi pieces of shit like that. Liz's not going around stealing fucking welfare money to build her daughter a goddamn volleyball thing when she could afford it. And she's not, she's actually doing a service for America to let America see this flute.

For the first time in a long time, over 200 years, most people, and including Jenna Ellis here, didn't even know it fucking existed. Didn't even know it existed. And frankly, Lizzo did all of us a favor by these bone heads being so triggered by it. Cuz I don't even know if I would've seen this. I don't even know if I would've seen this without these people getting absolutely fucking triggered.

So keep going, you fucking dummies. Keep going. Show us who you really are. Let's finish up to see who she really is. You know, she's like a multimillionaire and um, you know, very famous, but she gets on stage in this really hideous outfit that is wildly inappropriate. And apparently the, is it like the Smithsonian or the National Archives or something actually allowed her to be the first person in the United States history to play the Crystal Flute from James Madison.

I mean, this is just desecration purposefully of America's history. Again, it's more this racist shit. How is it, How I wanna know? If, if, if I can get an actual answer from any of these fucking No, you won't, but yeah. People. But I wanna know how is this a desecration? Because she's black. Because she's black, that's why she's black.

And actually the historic nature of this is that this flute was in, was from a time in this country where Lizzo would not even been allowed to touch this flute. Right. Because of her skin color. You fucking bone heads. I mean, James Madison, I don't, I don't, I'm pretty sure he didn't play in instruments or didn't play the flute.

I have no idea. Like, stomach can correct me if I'm wrong, but this was a gift. He got a gift. It's one of those like, Oh, that's nice. It's a crystal flute. Uh, I'm just gonna kind of hold it and I'm not gonna play it because I can't play it. Right. Well, yeah, you don't wanna break the damn thing either. Well, yeah, Yeah.

But also it's like, oh, you get this, it, Oh, cool. Like this is a gift. It means a lot. You got this thing. Can you play that instrument? Maybe, maybe not. I'm pretty sure James Madison didn't. But now there's an opportunity when someone has the talent to do so, and they, and they did that with Lizzo and you know, it's just like, that's, that's bullshit.

They should be able to do that. This overweight woman who's not white does this. It's like, Jenna, Jenna, please, please simm her down now. Okay girl, you're about to have a stroke because you're getting a little too worked up over something that is not, is not threatening you or anyone else. It has nothing to do with you.

Well, but it is a threat to their narrative though. It is a threat to their narrative. That, and, and that's exactly what she's saying here, is that it is a desecration to a, to American history for a black woman to play a white man's flute. And that is a, that is a, when it, when people find that popular and amazing and they're like, Holy shit, this is fucking awesome.

And the crowd is cheering that because it is fucking cool as shit. Especially the joke she makes in this video about a wine glass, because it's clever. But the the thing is, is that's a threat to their narrative. That truly is a threat to their narrative. That Lizzo shouldn't be a millionaire. Cuz that's what she's saying when she's like, Oh, she's a millionaire and she's super famous.

I'm jealous that she's that and she shouldn't be that. That's what she's saying. And it's all projection. They're saying she shouldn't be famous because she's an artist. And the reason why is because she's black. Right? She's black. I don't give a fuck what anyone says. You can come at me with the, all the, the weight thing and that Lizzo has body confidence and all that.

It's because she's black. It's what it is. Let's finish up with this vile take.  on such a historic moment. And this just shows how much the left is laughing at American history, and they wanna put somebody like Lizzo up to be like, Oh, yeah, now you've made history, honey. It's disgusting, it's depraved. And I don't care what anybody says.

That woman is super unhealthy. She is absolutely, um, not a role model in any way, shape or form, and she is not oppressed. So, Ryan, your thoughts on this story When I first watched the video, Okay. Definitely don't wanna hear what the fuck he has to say. Yeah, , it's just, I know it'll be more the Ben Shapiro Walsh type shit.

I mean, it's just gross to see someone to, to try to bash someone, right? Mm-hmm.  to be like, Hey, look, you're talented. And, well, they won't even say that, but they're like, a talented woman played a flute, right? That's, that's what it is. A talented person, a classically trained flutist, played a gift to James Madison for his second term from a Parisian craftsman, okay?

That's where this all comes from. And they wanna get upset because they didn't get to touch it, put it in their mouth, whatever the fuck weird desire they have, and true, they're upset that, that a, that a black woman, a talented, classically trained Flos, was able to play this flute in front of thousands of people and millions really, because it was shared online.

They're, they're even getting it shared even more, which is Right. Exactly. Which is hilarious. Fine. But it's, it's that, it's, it's that ability or, or lack of sensibility from them to say, Oh, well, you know what? The only thing that we can really attack is the way that she looks, her appearance, her her weight, or what, You know, it's like there are, they don't have actual talking points.

They go, This is just a desecration because this woman's overweight and she's playing this thing that was by a racist white slave boning guy. Oh my God. Like, it's right. How dare you offend the slave owners from the 18, from the, from the, from the early 18 hundreds. How dare you. Right. Uh, well that's why today our, our title, our, our thumbnail was hatred right underneath Jenna Ellis.

So, um, show your support for Lizzo and go watch these videos, Spread 'em around, show 'em to your family and friends because it's beautiful. The one in the road tend to the intimate video. I actually believe that's a more beautiful video than the one where she's on stage. I, I think it's, I think it's beautiful.

It shows off her talent, right? Absolutely. To be, if, to be in that building and hear that, like walking by and like, Oh shit, that's, Oh, it would be, that's really nice. Incredible. It would be incredible. And what a great piece of history that Lizzo a black woman gets to play, play. Uh, one of our founding fathers who was a slave owners crystal flute, um, be the first one to actually play it and do it so well.

That that is history and that's what really pisses him off. Uh, these bone heads. Speaking of bone heads, speaking of bone heads gap, we gotta do bone end of the week here. We gotta get. We'd spend a little too much time on Lizzo triggering these right wing morons, these right wing bone heads speaking right wing boneheads.

We got plenty in bone end of the week, so everyone stick around. Don't go anywhere. We got bone End of the week coming up right after this break. We'll see ya on the other side. What the fuck is wrong with you people? It's a rhetorical question at best. We'll be right back on the Tony Michaels podcast

fellow Patriots. What would you do if there was a Trump supporter right in front of you crying in pain? Because they have to live under communist tyranny. We know what you would do. You'd reach out and give that true American a hand. Now here's your chance for only $50 a day you can help us. Help those true Americans recover from Biden's socialist reign of terror.

These are those Trump supporters, and this is that moment. Send your donation via Venmo to the real president Donald J. Trump. It's only $50 a day recurring and it means you'll get these Trump supporters the critical help they so desperately need to survive under this false regime. Please donate now because those Trump supporters you just saw.

Can't wait. Another moment. Fuck a fuck, a fuck, Fuck, fuck, fuck. We're back to the Tony Michaels podcast.

Welcome, welcome, welcome back to the show. Guess what? It's Friday, the second hour. You vote every single week for Bone End of the week, me and Gabe go through your vote. You vote, you decide. We break it down. Second hour every Friday. Bone Head of the week. Did you see that transition? Damn, I'm getting good.

God damn God. That's crazy. Yeah. Damn. We got some bone heads this week. It's um, it, it almost was the same ones though. But let's do this. Almost, almost we're, It's almost the same. Let's, let's do this. Let's get to the song. Let's get to Bone Head of the Week because we're running outta time here. Bone Head of the Week.

Stick around off to the song Bone End of the week.

Welcome to this addition of Bonehead of the Week. Thanks for sticking with us all week. It's Friday, and you know what Friday means? Every single Friday. That's Boneheaded week on the Tony Michael's podcast. And if you're watching the replay on the Mind Touch Network, every single Friday, Friday, Friday, we have Bone End of week.

What happens is, is you go vote on Twitter at Tony Michael's pod or on YouTube, on our YouTube channel at Tony Michael's podcast. On YouTube. You vote. You decide who is the bone end of the week, and then we break it down every single week here on the Tony Michael's podcast in the second hour because we broadcast gave every single weekday, mm-hmm.

Monday through Friday for two full hours. So this is what we do on Friday. So if you're on the Mightest Touch Network channel, subscribe right now. Don't forget to do that if you're watching the replay. And also, you can download every single episode on Apple, Spotify, Google. You can even download the Bone Head of the week in and of itself.

Just go search the Tony Michaels podcast, Subscribe, follow us everywhere. Don't forget to vote every single Thursday for Bone End of the week. Gabe, who are our bone hands this week? Well, this week we've got the Insurrectionist wife of Supreme Court Justice. Clarence Thomas. Jenny Thomas. We've got the, uh, quote unquote judge.

Mm-hmm. , Eileen Cannon, as I like to refer to her lately, and the Governor, Ron. Death Sandis. Mm. De death Satan was actually Des Satan. That's, I mean, that's the one that was trending. Many names He does. He's an asshole. Yeah, he is an asshole. Well, you know, is that who we should start with? Is Ron DeSantis? Is that who we should start with here?

Yeah, we could start with Ron. I think Ron DeSantis should go fuck himself. And if you want to get some, Ron DeSantis can go fuck himself. Merch. Just go to store dot deton This stuff is flying off the shelves. Everyone, I think , I think really likes this, this art that we did, so mm-hmm. , um, go pick up your Ron DeSantis merch, but Ron DeSantis, he's dealing with several things here.

He was being a bonehead before the hurricane hit Florida, Of course. Right. And he's definitely gonna be a bonehead, um, in the lead up to it. Um, but the one thing I wanna say is that when you expect, and I said this all week, this is the third day I've said it, if you expect to vote for a governor who, during Hurricane Sandy, while he was a Congress person, he was a congressman, then he was a representative of the state of Florida and he had the chance to vote on, on federally for hurricanes in New York and New Jersey for Hurricane Sandy.

He voted no. That in and of itself, just that thing should disqualify.  from being a governor anywhere. And the reason why is because, because you are the one who actually allocates those federal funds when they come to your state. Mm-hmm. . And to be a person who would vote against another state getting it because, oh, there's DMO crash there that disqualifies you because it only says, it only says your motives and your motive is to only give the money to the people you wanna have it.

Right. You're not gonna do what's right by your state and your constituents. And that also doesn't include, uh, that just because the people you want to have it, that doesn't necessarily mean your constituents or the people that you voted for. That's like, uh, I want to pick and choose who I think should get the money or who should get the aid or the, the FEMA assistance or what have you.

Uh, just because they were Republican, they say, Oh, I don't wanna give it these blue areas or these blue states or what have you. I wanna give it to this red state. But within the red state, it's also doesn't mean that they're gonna give it to everyone who is one of the people that they voted for are constituents.

So this whole pick and choose, uh, I can have it, but you can have it this hypocrisy. Like it's, again, it's the same old thing that Republicans do every single day and every time there's a tragedy or some event where, where that state or that county or city or whatever it is that's run by a Republican and they say, Oh shit, we actually need big government to come in.

We need. From our collective federal family, as I'll call it. They'll take it. Then they'll accept a socialist. Well, they'll, they accept the, the tax money that goes into the pot and to have that pot come back over to them when they really need it. But if someone else needs it, they go luck. Not a about yourself, not a thing.

Well, he's cash, he's cautiously optimistic that the president of the United States, Joe Biden will do what he's supposed to do. Which Joe Biden sprung in the action immediately. Yeah. He didn't even hesitate. The administration didn't even hesitate. Here. It's so his, it's like there was a forecast of a hurricane coming.

You, Joe Biden said, You mean we spend federal dollars to know that shit? Are you kidding me? It's coming. It's crazy. It's crazy. That sounds like socialism, Gabe. We shouldn't be engaging in any of that. I mean, it, it, it forecasting. Forecasting that seems, that seems a little, a little communist, god forbid, Tony, that we actually use science to forecast.

Uh, well, there's another bad word. Disaster. There's another bad word. You and your bad words. I know, I know. It's tab bad words. It's taboo. But God forbid we use science and technology. Yeah. To actually forecast and predict the pattern and the actual, uh, path that something like Hurricane I or Ian will take and then say, Oh, okay, well we know where to, uh, send resources.

We know where to have people ready to go to put the lines back up. You know, we know where to make sure to set. Our camps with FEMA to make sure that it's out of the path and it doesn't, you know, doesn't get lost to the hurricane. And we're able to have a safe, secure location where people can go to actually get aid to get food, to get water, to get shelter.

Right. Almost kind of sounds Christian like in the values. Well, things Whoa. Easy, easy. No, I don know. Don't, don't do that either. Now you're, now you're really, really getting, I'm just saying. But let's, let's listen to Tucker Tarson here. I mean, Tucker Carlson, um, talked to Ron DeSantis, uh, about how he's cautiously optimistic about the fact that Joe Biden is already sprung an action here.

I, I don't know what he's talking about. Bullism. When a natural disaster like this strikes a state. It is, it is common. It's, i, I, I think it's always the case that the state receives federal aid, given how politicized things are at the moment. Are you confident you're gonna get the federal support Florida needs?

So I actually spoke with the president and he said here, he wants to be helpful. So we did submit a request for, remember, For the next 60 days at a hundred percent. Uh, that's a significant, uh, support, but it's a significant storm. So we haven't heard back from it, but I'm actually cautiously optimistic that we do.

I mean, as you say, Tucker, we live in a very politicized time, but you know, when people are fighting for their lives, when their whole livelihood is at stake, when they've lost everything, uh, if you can't put politics aside for that, uh, then you're just not gonna be able to. So I'll work with anybody who wants to help the people of Southwest Florida and throughout our state.

So there you have it. Yeah, we talked about this yesterday and I'll, I'll repeat my point. There is no reason whatsoever for Ron DeSantis to say, Well, we submitted our expenses and we are going to, or we, we believe we will be reimbursed for the 60 days up to a hundred percent. Like there's no reason to, to try to passively passive aggressively kind of throw Biden in the federal government under the bus when they were literally, and are still sending resources and funding to make sure that Florida has what it needs.

to keep everyone safe. Right. To get people to safe shelter and to get them resources that they need. But, but the whole fact of Ron DeSantis right now, he's trying to make a dig at one, already had a conversation with Biden and Biden was like, Yeah, I got you. No problem. Mm-hmm.  don't really care if you're red.

I just care that you're an American. Cuz that's my job as a president. United States. It's a United States. Exactly. I mean, like Obama said, we're not a red, we're not a a blue. We're the United States of America. And, and that is something that Joe Biden definitely brings the table, especially when there is a catastrophic hurricane coming through Florida and we wanna make sure that people are safe.

Right. Well, here is, here is Joe Biden, uh, Aunt fema. Let's see, It's, this is a small clip. Let's see what he had to say. How would you describe your relationship and your conversation with Governor DeSantis? It's totally irrelevant, but I'll answer it. Okay. In fact, very fine. He complimented me. He thanked me for the immediate response we had.

He told me how much he appreciated it. Said he was extremely happy with what was going on. This is not about whether in anything having to do with our disagreements politically, this is about saving people's lives, homes, and businesses. That's what this is about. And so I've been, I've talked to him four or five times already, and it, it's not a matter of my disagreements with them on other items.

Uh, you wanna, uh, lesson in how to be a. There. There it is. There it is. And again, I expected nothing more or less from Joe Biden than to reach the bar of human decency, patriotism, being an American caring about people that are in the state of Florida because they're here and he's the president of the United States.

Right. Like just that low bar. They are so fucking, They we watched as Donald Trump shit during the pandemic tried to shit on states. Mm-hmm.  that he thought were blue and Democrat, run states and all this nonsense during a fucking pandemic where millions of people were dying. Right. He tried to shit all over.

He was like, Oh, you guys get some stuff, right? I mean, Jared Kushner was part of the team, and I was like, Oh, well, we're I gonna choose which states? They're the Democrat or Republican that are great resources, right? And they were even saying it out loud. They were literally saying it out loud in front of each other.

And here Joe Biden is, is like, Look, I don't give a damn whether Ronda Santa is a Republican or he's a fuck up, Joe Biden knows that Rhonda San is the governor of Florida. That is what he has to do. He has to work with the governor of Florida to get them federal aid so that governor can then give that aid to his state, like businesses, citizens, property, to clean up.

I mean, Joe Biden understands this. And one reason why Gabe, and they, they always knock him for this, and I don't really get this. They're like, Oh, he's, he was in government for so many years. He knows how it works. Like, okay, so why, why is that a bad thing? That's a bad thing that Joe Biden understands how disaster relief works in this moment.

People are bone. And the other thing too, I wanna point about this clip. Is when Joe Biden says, Yay, he called me, thanked me. He said, Thanks a lot. And he, I had four or five conversations with him. Right, Right. I i, I don't begrudge the guy because he's looking for federal money for a estate. He's trying to help his constituents.

I wanna do the same thing. It's to help the people of Florida. And really, it shits, it shits all over the idea that Ron DeSantis played on, on Tucker Carlston, where he is like, you know, he dances around why had to talk to the president. Right, right. I didn't have a choice but to talk to the president.

Right. When it is that is the case, The President United States, Joe Biden doesn't have a choice but to talk to the governor of Florida here and, and vice versa. But the absolute projection of Ron DeSantis and Tucker Carlson, there is telling, is telling. Right. And when you have Joe Biden like, of course this is what they were gonna do, this is what the federal government does.

I'm standing at fema , I'm standing at fema, who is he is wanting money from, and I am not gonna try to keep him from getting it. I'm gonna try to give him every fucking penny I possibly can give him. Exactly. It's, it's, it's telling. And it really is. And the core of it is, it's not political, it's just being an empathetic, caring human.

That's what it is. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlsen Blow. A lot of things have been politicized these days. Oh my God. Uhhuh. That should not even motherfuckers be a, a point, just like Joe Biden is like, that's irrelevant. There's no reason why I Right. My relationship with him doesn't fucking matter. What I care about is that he has the funds and the resources to make sure that he protects the Floridians that are going through this, Right.

This natural disaster. That's, that's it. That's the basic, that's the bare minimum. Let me help you help those in your state. And there should be no politics because there is no politics around it. It's just, again, being a human who cares about other humans novel idea. I know. I know. It's novel. Weird stuff.

Okay. Who else do we have on the list? We have, uh, Jeanie Thomas, The Insurrectionist. Oh God, no. What happened? Serial killer sociopath, Gny Thomas with that crazy smile that she gave yesterday. Yeah, we played the video yesterday. Should we replay the video of her walking in? Is that the one we should replay?

Is there a video of her saying that? Um, of course she believes that the election was stolen, I think was the video that came out. I think that was. , I think that, I know I used an interview from, it was like, people, people talking afterward. Okay, well here's here apparently seems to be a picture. Oh, that's the wrong one.

But that seems to be a picture of Yeah, look at that. Jeanie, Clarence Thomas, um, . Oh my God. Oh, she's legend denier. Yeah. And um, the smug look on her face in this video and the absolute smart assery in this video, like, I'm better than you and I won't be held accountable. Type attitude. And just watch. You'll see.

Ms. Thomas, why do you feel like you need to speak to the committee to clear your name? Thank you for being here. Did you speak with your husband and of your beliefs of the election being stolen? Thank you for your question. I look forward to answering members

Oh, there is nothing creepier  than somebody smiling. And very quietly speaking, this isn't like an ASMR video kind of thing. She's like, Thank you for asking your question. Thank you. Thank you for being here, for being here. Like it's, I'm so glad you're here. It is fucking weird. It is super creepy. Super creepy.

It's almost like she's a robot in a skin suit or something, right? I have no idea. I mean, is this like, is this like, um, the original version of Jared Kushner, like he's an upgrade or some shit? This is weird. The other thing that I didn't notice till just now she has a cane. Did you notice that? Yeah. I, I, well, I didn't see it, but I heard that.

Right. I didn't know, I didn't notice it the other day when I wa because I watched this several times trying to figure out like who these people were and what, Right, right. Cause it was hard to even kind of determine what she says. Cuz the last line she says is, I am looking forward to answering that question.

Never is what I think she says. You. I'm, I'm look forward to answering that question. Look, I look forward to overthrowing the government  like, I look forward to skinning you alive later.  like that is, that's the vibe I get. It's a a daher vibe. It's a daher vibe. Oh, yeah. A huge Daher vibe. Well, it's not surprising that Jeannie Thomas, after she went and talked, not under oath to the January 6th committee, she came out and I guess it was in interview or something where she said, No, I totally believe that the election was stolen.

Like she, that even, even the act of her going in to try to clear her and her husband's name in front of the select committee didn't convince her that she possibly should say in public. But here's the thing. My guess is she has to keep this facade up because if Genie Thomas went out in public and said, Of course Donald Trump lost, Of course Joe Biden went, it was all bullshit, right?

Donald Trump would turn on her in a minute. Would turn on her in a minute. And they just can't afford that. They just can't afford that. Because what if that Messiah becomes king again? He might just save them. Yep. So they can't, they can't turn on him yet. Um, in public, At least in private, like Bill Barr did in several others.

Yeah. Now Bill Barr did it in private with the select committee, and then they played this shit out loud and Trump turned on him and Bill Barr's like, Okay, well if that's what you're gonna do, I'm gonna roast you on this documents thing. Mm-hmm. . So speaking, speaking of the documents, Oh man, we got some documents.

Eh? We were gonna make Donald Trump one of the contestants. Right? Isn't that right? But it would've been the same slate, is that right? It would've been, it would've been the same one as last week. That's crazy because last week it was Ron DeSantis was on for, uh, trafficking, uh, humans, migrants to, uh, Martha's Vineyard, right?

Eileen Cannon, again, doubling down and saying that, uh, Trump should not have to do what he has to do, which is he broke the law and has to right face the consequences. And then also, uh, Donald Trump we had on there, because I think just related to the documents itself, hey, well, I mean he's, he's just like world class boneheaded editor, right?

I mean, it's just, it doesn't stop, right? Mm-hmm. , like, he just, he won't quit. He won't quit the boneheaded injury. So he ended up being the dishonorable mention. Yep. Because we wanted to give someone else a shot. And that's why we threw Jeanie Thomas. She didn't have a chance, though. No. Against some, these other versions.

I mean, honestly, you know, I said it, I, I tweeted out this morning, I said, Judge again, in quotes, quote unquote, Judge. Mm-hmm.  Judge I, Eileen Cannon wanted to be famous, but now she's infamous. Oh, she is an infamous bone head. But the reason why I think we put Donald Trump on here is because of video we played the other day where he's in his office, Uhhuh.

I think that's the reason. So while Hurricane Ian is taking place, I actually had a, there are a couple, uh, publications actually. Course he's on the other side of the state, right? He's on the other state, unfortunately, or unfortunately, however, you know, he's on the other state and, you know, the path kind of goes, goes through and doesn't really hit, uh, the area of Palm Beach.

Margo, He's fine. Ian missed the assignment really, honestly, You know, whatever. Yeah. Uh, I shared a video online that actually picked up a lot of steam and, and was found its way on different, like publications, which I was really surprised about. But it's the, it's the, the lack of, or rally, it's just a tone deaf response.

While a natural disaster is happening in the very state that you're making this video from, while people are suffering losing their homes, people are dying, he decides the best use of his time is not to say, Hey, let's raise money on behalf of those who are, who are victims of this hurricane. Instead, he says, Ah, you, you guys, I got this really important deadline happening at the end of September to make sure that my quarter three financials don't look like dog shit, because August did well.

Well, how much did he raise in August? How much money? Because it, it had to be a lot of money in terms of Not compared to what we would think, right? No, no. It, it was, it was, the number that he raised in the month of August is four zero, 40,000. 40, 40. 40. 40 million. Just, just 40. $40. $40. Wait, wait. So like one, Did Eric, did Eric give $40 to get his dad's attention?

You know, that is hard. I've read through the financial statements for the last few months of his superPAC and I, I can't identify who the donors were. Obviously super weird. It almost feels like they can't charge credit cards or something. Like they're Yeah, they're, they don't have their credit card machine to, It's weird to process cards here.

here's a whistle lips here. Um, giving his little, he's begging for money. Let's, let's watch. We have a major fundraising deadline coming up. Oh, you do? And there's never been a time where this, our country has never been so disrespected. Our country has never been so low. Certainly in the minds of others and who, especially the leaders of other countries, what lead I know all over the world, we have to change it.

We have to bring our country back. We made America great and now we're gonna have to make America great again. You sure? The Samet from 2016. Say whatever you can do, help out. We have to meet the deadline. The midterms are coming up. It's gonna be one of the most important elections in the history of our country.

So I hope you can help out and help out. We really appreciate it and good luck. So he's saying here that we, you should help with the midterms by not giving to the candidates. Mm-hmm. , but giving to his personal slush fund. Is that Yeah, what I'm taking? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and here's the thing, Little to no money has been given to any of these candidates running in the midterms.

So he's trying to, uh, he's piggybacking on the midterms are approaching. So he is like, We gotta get this money in now. We gotta get this money in for the midterms. But really the money is being used to pay off his legal bills. Well, I mean, I'm not saying that, you know, I'm not for this. I mean, if they're gonna give money to someone, I'd rather they give money to spend on his legal defense where he's gonna lose than a candidate that could win.

I'm just saying. I'm just saying then that's why Donald Trump got dishonorable mention because he's fucking broke. He can't even squeeze together. 50 bucks. Holy shit. He can't even squeeze together 50 bucks. Wow. What happened with our al Alpha duck here? Jordan Peterson was trending this morning on Twitter.

What did we got here on face? What did we got here? What's, what's on Jordan Peterson? Yeah. The of Intels, the Intel king. The king found his way on. Um, He looks like an here, doesn't he? . Say again? He does look like an insult king here, doesn't he? Oh, yeah. I mean, Hunter sense the tears of the insult King will, He was crying.

He was crying. He was crying. I don't have this, I was gonna try to cut it. I was supposed to try to cut, but, but do you have the YouTube clip in the, and the timestamp, right? Yeah, I got the, Yeah, I'll get that. So basically the context here is that Jordan Peterson went on Pierce Morgan Uncensored or whatever the new show is.

Oh, another in insult in another Inel Lord. Yeah. Pierce Morgan Uncensored. Mm-hmm. . So, uh, is this the same show where he interviewed Donald Trump and they were like trying to, you know? Oh yeah. They were, you know, patting each other on the back and then Pierce Morgan challenged him on one question. Donald Trump, he was, got up like a crybaby and left because he couldn't handle.

Is that the same show? I believe that's the same show. Oh, okay. That's after he, that's after he left the, uh, the, um, the Good morning. Good morning, right in Britain. Okay. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah. So a. So this is the clip where, uh, the question is basically Olivia wild and he'll give context, but Olivia Wild says that Jordan Peterson is the leader of the Intels, Right?

What, What's my time? What's my timestamp here? Uh, it's the full clip. Oh, okay. It leads into it. I mean, he kind of goes on afterward, but after it starts crying, then you can end. Okay. I thought that there was a, I thought there was a timestamp here. Oh, that was the longer one from this movie. Oh, okay. Okay. So there's a full version, but this is the, the abbreviate version.

Let's listen, I've gotta wrap it up. I don't want to, but I have to. Uh, what I ask you just quickly, uh, the film director, Olivia Wild, is a new movie out, which she says is based on you, this insane man, this pseudo intellectual hero to the Intel community. Intel being these weirdo loner men. Yeah. Uh, who are despicable in many ways.

Is that you, are you the intellectual hero to these people? . Okay. It really is rich to watch Pierce Morgan call sales. Like, as if he doesn't know that a shit ton of his little, his little following is a bunch of these fucking in cells. Yeah. Like these Elon stands even. Oh my God. Come on. Come on, Pierce. And then he asked if, Are you that?

Because I thought I was that. Are you, is it you or is it me? I can't, I can't remember one of 'em. Sure, why not? You know, Um, people have been after me for a long time. Because I've been speaking to disaffected young men. You know what a terrible thing to do that is? Oh my God.

thought the marginalized were supposed to have the voice. That's the marginalized, that's the Oh my God. Listen, listen. I'm a white dude. I'm a white dude in America. I'm not marginalized. No one has ever repressed me. It's, it's not a thing. Jordan Peterson. Yeah. Not a fucking thing. Especially someone who comes off as an elitist intellectual.

Right. Who goes on. And he Canadian always. I believe so. And he Canadian. He's not even American. He's Canadian. I believe he's, And I'm not trying to toss stones at Canada. I'm just saying that he's not even Yeah. A, a Canadian. Yep. That he's not, He's not even a political psychologist. Right. And he's, he's more popular in America than he is up there.

Right. Cause they don't really play that nonsense up there. Right. But this idea that the fuck fuck of white dudes, a bunch of white dudes in this country are press and shit. And they're the marginalized. Can you get the fuck outta here? Oh my God. You're pointing out, you're pointing out white people's privilege.

How dare you will press them. Get the fuck outta here. What mean this is, this is the same guy who also, And I think I can find a clip here. Well, I, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna play him crying here. I gotta blame. I wanna watch him cry. Yeah, go ahead. Let's, let's watch him cry. He's making emotional talk about it.

Well, God, you know, Well, God, you know, very difficult to understand how demoralize people are. Certainly Jesus, many young men are in that category. Oh my God, these casual insults, these, these cells is, what does they mean? It's like, well, these men there, they don't know how to make themselves attractive to women who are very picky and good for them.

Women, like, be picky. That's, that's your gift. Okay. I, I'm not gonna let him dig his  Yeah. Hole any deeper than he's gotted here. The reason why these people think this way is because of Jordan Peterson and people like him. Mm-hmm. . The reason why white trumped up white dudes think they're marginalized and oppressed is because of people like Jordan Peterson.

They fucking brainwashed them into thinking that equality to the oppressor is oppression. This is all boneheaded. It's, it's just dumb fuckery and it's laughable on its face. It's really ridiculous. Is there another clip? You wanna show this? I wanna show a clip just to give people full context. He really did get Jordan Peterson.

Yeah. Yeah. Oh man. Perfect. This also, not the first time he's ever cried, but the clip that I just sent you. Mm-hmm. . Well give people context for anyone who doesn't know who Jordan Peterson is because. They'll know from this clip. If, if, yeah, if this wasn't, uh, a take to say, Wow, that gives me an idea of who he is.

It's definitely gonna be this next take where Jordan Peterson is on Joe Rogan and talks about black skin color, and now he's not actually Right. Here's a, here's another Lord of the in cells, uh, Joe Rogan, and it's the same shit. These people wouldn't think they're marginalized and wouldn't be crying about their oppression that doesn't exist, right?

If it weren't for fucks like this. Let's listen. Depending on who you ask, either you are a voice of reason and rationality and.  and, um, you know, personal responsibility or he couldn't even hardly get it out. Did you know he couldn't even hardly come up with the words. What is it called? What, what is this weird thing?

Okay. Or you are a voice of intolerance and bigotry and anger. Mm-hmm.  and hateful. Yep. Sexual oppression. What did Michael Eric Dyson call you and mean, Mean, angry white man Mean Yeah. And, and a mean angry white man. Yeah. Hilarious. Exactly. You're not mean at all. Yeah. That's what's dumb about that statement.

It's, you're not mean at all. It's, I am white. Actually, that's a lie too. I'm kind of tan and he was actually not, he was sort of brown. Oh fuck. I'm darker than you. Yeah. Yeah. That's ridiculous. Yeah, but neither of us are white. Well, I'm Italian and he was brown, not black. Well, isn't that weird? Yeah. It's really weird.

This well, black and white thing is so strange because the shades are so tan and brown. There's such a spectrum of shades of people. Okay. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't it. We've done this video before. I think we've done this video two or three times cuz these fucking bone just, I mean, it's a video that will never get old.

I, and it will always show you who these people are. Right. Specifically Jordan Peterson, trying to make some claim that I'm not actually white. Uh, I'm oppress, He's, he's, he's not black, he's brown. Like what are he saying? Is I'm oppressed because of my skin color is what he, he's like, I'm not what you know about.

I'm not pres, I'm not as white as my. Which is on kinda like this weird off white, but he's like, I'm, I'm not white guys. So like I'm not the bully and I'm not the villain here. I'm actually an offwhite. I'm like an egg shell white. I'm like a white that you might go to Home Depot and say, I don't really want ghost cast fresh white egg color.

Right. But I want like a hint of some color in there just to show people that I'm not actually this. Do you think he did the 23 and me and he is just pure white? Yeah. I think when, and there's no people, usually people have something like, Sub-Saharan African, you have this and this and it's just like 100%.

No, no, no way to doubt it. Just white Jordan. White Peterson is whiter than, than the, than the powder that goes up. Donald Trump Jr's nose. We, we couldn't even tell you if you're British, Irish, Scottish, like anything over there, you're like, we couldn't even tell if you're like from, from any, your like a, you know, your, Oh, you're heritage is the Vikings or anything.

It's like you're just white. Right. It just came, it just said on this 23 me Damn you white. Damn you white hundred percent no. 1% you're white. Um, which, Oh man, I you gotta finish up here on this bone head of the week. I hate to get off Jordan Peterson though. But, but we gotta go to another bone head. Who thinks she has privilege here.

Mm-hmm. , um, her name is Judge Eileen Cannon. Everyone famously, or infamously, as you said earlier, knows her now as the judge who has really shitty legal takes. This is very awkward for a federal judge who is supposed to know what they're doing. Gabe, it's really awkward. It's really strange to watch a federal judge not know anything about ah, federal judging at all.

Yeah. You know, the rule of law, their job, right? Because here's what happened. Real and because, um, I don't even know if we don't have video of her, cuz she won't even allow video or anything in her courtroom, Right? Because she didn't want people to see what she's doing. So here's the thing. Trump asked for a special master, which is boneheaded in and of itself.

Yeah. She decides that that's a good idea. Then Trump recommends Judge Dery in the Eastern District of New York, who is kind of a no nonsense judge who is on the FSA court that issued the warrant. The, the, the wire tapping of Carter Page. Yeah. Who was part of the Trump campaign in 2016. And the right wing hates that.

Ah, look, it's corruption. And the DOJ says, Oh, you're gonna recommend that judge. We'll take him, we'll make him the special master. That sounds great. Judge Eileen Cannon says, Fantastic. I'm gonna appoint him as the special master. Mm-hmm.  Deary does the thing that Eileen Cannon should have done when the motions entered her court.

When Donald Trump wanted a special master, she should have said, You are making all these claims. Are these claims true? That's what, that's the bare minimum. And Judge Dery was kind of doing her job through the special master position. Now, Donald Trump's team did not like that because they want to be able to lie in public.

That is, that is what they're doing. Mm-hmm. , this has nothing to do with the criminal case. This has nothing to do with the criminal investigation. The DOJ is not gonna stop their criminal investigation or stop a grand jury from indicting him. This special master thing is all distraction in all nonsense.

It's all delay tactics. But the thing that Trump's lawyers know, and that Island Cannon knows, is that if, if Trump does what Dere wants him to do mm-hmm.  is, Trump can't then go out in public and say the opposite. Of what they filed in court. Now Trump can he'll fucking lie no matter what. But when I say Trump, I mean his team.

His defense. His defense here, his legal team. If they file in court in motion with a special master that no, that that planted evidence thing, that's a lie. There's no plant evidence. He did not declassify these things. They cannot claim that in court. They know it. She knows it. He knows it. Grandpa poopy pants knows it.

That de is really challenging any defense he has here because it's not a defense, right? It's not one planted. Evidence that wasn't planted is not a defense. I declassified with my fucking Big Mac stain hands or my mind is not a defense. Yeah, they're my documents. Not the government's documents is not a defense cuz it's not real.

It's all lies. So it's not a defense. So Judge Eileen Cannon here decides what she's gonna do is now become the special master.  and do, and tell the special master, you can't do that because that's oppression towards, you know, marginalized white men, especially rich billionaires who grew up with a silver spoon who've never been hell accountable for anything in their entire life.

Just can't do that. Yeah. That's when I am, I, am I way off here? Is that the story here? No, I mean, basically, uh, Eileen Cannon became Trump's defense attorney. Like that's what's happening, Right? When she's given the opportunity, then she will say, Oh, well we need to protect, No, he doesn't have to say these things or commit these things under oath because that would cause I don't know, perjury, right?

Be lying. Right. Uh, it would go against him and you know, like these are, Well again, I think it, I think it takes aim at the lawyers more than it does Trump. Cuz Trump is lie. He doesn't give a fuck. Here's the thing, the lawyers have to acknowledge, like, look, there's the, there's uh, there's the phrase maca, right?

Which has now been associated with make attorneys get attorneys. And this is especially true right now, because now what Trump is doing is he's making these attorneys, he's putting them in a position to say, Okay, you guys, you guys know what happened and you have to lie for it. Which would then violate what they have, you know, made a, a promise to when they were accepted, when they were given their, their law license, actually practice law.

So they're, they're getting in a very interesting position to like, Trump can lie. Sure, whatever. But now these lawyers.  are, are putting their own careers at risk because they would then be also lying right? Under oath and, uh, under the, under this investigation to say, Oh yeah, well, you know, well, several of 'em have backed away because there's like, there's no way I'm gonna get caught up in this idea then I'm gonna lose my, well, my way of life, my wellbeing, because you want me to lie for you on a court motion, You're a dumb ass.

No way. And that's what is happening with Deering. That's where I lean in and has done the bone edited thing by covering for Trump and his legal team because they can't cover their own ass because he's in hot water here. He's in deep shit and she knows it. Dre knows it. The legal dean knows it. Trump knows it cuz he knows what he did.

Right? And it's criminal. I mean, criminal, what's gonna happen is the same thing that happened with the hundred, the hundred classified documents, right? You were gonna say, Oh, okay, fine, we'll appeal this decision. And then it goes to the court and the court says, Yeah, you're fucking idiot. What? Why would you even say that?

Right? And then what happened last time was she said, Nope, he gets to keep these documents. So they held them off, then they went to the, uh, the ninth circuit or the 11th circuit, and they said, Oh, you're an idiot. Right? That's not how that works. You can have these documents. And then she was like, Okay, you guys are right.

And now she's come back to say, Okay, cool. I'm gonna make sure that, you know, and then she goes forward with what she, what she's done right now, which is around making certain statements, or not having to, and pushing the, pushing the, the, the, the case out further until December, I think. So is your prediction here and that, uh, if this, Cause from my understanding, I'm not a lawyer, Everyone should go listen to Ben, my cell on this more than me.

Yeah. Uh, but, um, uh, from minus touch, you can get a here on the minus touch network if you're watching the replay of bone end of the week, um, analysis of every single motion. But I, I believe that that emotion kinda, that DOJ has to kinda wait for something to file a motion to appeal to the, um, the 11th circuit, but it, like it be overturned.

But here's the thing about the criminal case. This, this special master nonsense has nothing to do with the criminal investigation, right? Not a goddamn thing. The only thing that is, is that dispute. Is what documents are what. And the fact of the matter is the Department of Justice has already done this work, has already done this work, and theory knows that.

That's why he's asking these questions, to get them to just adhere to facts inside of a courtroom. That's all he's trying to adjust to get them to do right. The legal team to adhere to facts so that they can frame up a factual defense, which they do not have. That's the main thing here. And Eileen Cannon knows it, and that's what made her to Bone Head of the Week.

My prediction was not her, but you guys voted for her. And that's what happens in democracy. You lean into it, you vote, you decide. We break it down. Let's give Eileen Judge, quote unquote Eileen G, her moment of bonehead and inness.

Thank you Judge Eileen Gannon for being hour  our winner of Bone of the Week. You certainly are boneheaded. I would bet that this is not the last time she's gonna show up on this. Nope, not the last time I'm telling. I'm, I'm telling you, once this, this is, once they filed this, it's gonna get appealed. It's gonna go to the 11th circuit.

She's gonna be back on Bone of the Week and they're gonna be like, Is she gonna be three weeks in a row? Is she gonna be three weeks in a row? Holy shit. She gets out at next week. That'll be three weeks in row. In a row. Damn. She right now she's heating up. That's right. That's right. She's heating up . Next week she's on fire, dude.

That's right. She's on fire. So every Friday, don't forget to come watch the Tony Michaels podcast. Watch Bonehead live in the second hour and also watch on the replay on Mid Touch Network. If you're on my Touch Network right now, subscribed in the Mid Touch Network and don't forget to go over the Tony Michael's podcast, YouTube channel and subscribe there.

Help us out, give us some support. Also follow us on at Tony Michael's podcast cuz you can vote for Bon end of the week on Twitter and YouTube. You vote, you decide we break it down every single week. What a bone end of the week. It did not go the way I thought it was gonna go, but you know, that's just how it works.

That's how it goes. The votes fall. We certify 'em, we present them to the public. No. Thank you for joining. Directors here, no one trying to influence the, uh, the voting that's happening. Like Jenny Thomas. No. Stop deal fair. We let you guys decide. That's right. Bone head of the week. Thank you everyone for joining us.

If you're on the Tony Michaels pack, guys, stick around. We got some announcements after the song. If you're on the Minus Touch Network, join us next week on Bone Head of the Week,

Bon of the Week. I, I'm in love with that segment. Mm-hmm. . It's great. I love it. Can't she is such a dumb ass how she's dip shit. Oh my dumb dumb motherfucker. How could you be so goddamn stupid? I, I mean, it does question. How can you, It's pretty easy, obviously. It, it does, it does call into question like, has there been money slipped underneath the table or something?

I mean, this is getting ridiculous. I don't know. I mean, she, this is getting ridiculous from what I remember. I think it was, she's 20 months. She's been not that long. She probably won't be a federal judge very long after, after this. No, not, uh, she just won't have the confidence. 20. Judge Lane has over 20 months.

It's not been that long cuz she was, she was, uh, confirmed right before he, um, right before he was voted out Right and left to office. And then it took just over 20 months as a federal judge. Right. Because it takes a while to get 'em actually in the judge ship. You know, I get in their position, get 'em sworn in as the federal judge, get 'em on the bench mm-hmm.

and get 'em, get them that case work in their, in their, uh, queue. Um, oh boy. Oh boy. What a week of news. It's been great. And uh, I wanna say again, anyone in Florida. Um, please, please be safe. Mm-hmm. , uh, I know there's still some people that they're looking for. Um, there's still some people missing because, um, unfortunately there's gonna be a death toll out of Florida, unfortunately.

So anyone in Florida, please be safe and, um, yeah, help out your, your fellow Americans, no matter who or where they are. Um, and, and just, just give your support in any single way you can down there in Florida. And understand that when we go after Ron DeSantis, it is because he is an absolute scumbag and he has given me no proof.

And until he does, um, I will not believe anything that comes outta his mouth and he can go fuck himself. And just like the shirt say, Ron DeSantis can go fuck himself. I just, I can't bring myself to act like he's not a scumbag, Gabe. I just can't. Well, I mean, I just can't, You look at all the times that he's been on video, right?

He's got his police force behind him. He berates a kid because he's wearing a mask. Again, your body, your choice, but because he's making a public statement right in front of people, he can't have that image of people wearing a mask in the state of Florida because they beat Covid. Right? They beat Covid Tony.

Yeah, sure. Mm-hmm. . Okay. You know, then you find out, you know, like the guy, you know, manipulates data when it comes to the covid numbers, like that came out with the whistleblower. So there is nothing that you can, He traffics humans, right? I mean, there's nothing that, that he over, over and over. And even with disaster relief, the guy has proven that he is unqualified to even be anywhere near disaster relief when he voted against it because it was coastal elitist.

That is a disqualifier right there. Everyone come back next week. It's been a, it's been a hell of a week for news. Uh, we know, I, I wanna give, uh, all the audience here. I don't think we're gonna get a January 6th hearing next week. That is the word, uh, publicly. It seems that. Even some of our private conversations that we have with people that are trying to organize this thing, it doesn't look like we're gonna get a hearing next week.

It looks like we will hear what the schedule is though. I think Benny Thompson either over the weekend or the very part of next week, is gonna give us when that next January 6th select hearing is. So make sure to stay tuned. Go follow us on Twitter at tony Michael's pod. Make sure you follow us on Facebook as well at the Tony Michaels download every single episode Monday through Friday, and also Bone Head of the Week on the weekends, and also sub here on the YouTube channel.

It's very important because as soon as these hearings come down, the pi, we are gonna let you know. We are going to let you know because we run on your support here. And that's how we do it. Tony Tony Michaels live slash tip. You can go give a onetime tip, You can give a monthly tip set up monthly.

We run on your support, not just monetary support, but your actual support. Watching, listening, downloading, and also the merch. Oh my god, this one is flying off the shelves. Dark Brandon store dot d tony You know what the, one of the most popular bra, uh, dark brand, um, Merch items is the coffee mug.

Oh, that's one of most during your day with the little dark brand, right? A little dark brand. I don't know. Way if you put, do you put sugar in your dark brand? Milk creamer? I don't know what you put in your dark brand. It's a light roast to dark roast. I don't know. These things says I don't drink coffee, but I support anyone.

You don't drink the dark brand mug. He does the streaming show. Water, man. Just the water. That's all I need. Bubbly water. And, well, you can put, the nice part is about the dark brand and g is you can put your streamed, your, your bubbly water in the dark, Brandon in the dark brand and g. So go get your dark brand and coffee mugs at store that deep.

Tony show your support for the show here. And we appreciate everything, everyone. Have a great and safe weekend, no matter where you're at, especially if you're in the uh, path of this storm. Be safe, be healthy, and lean into your democracy. Until next week, surf up motherfuckers. You've been listening to the Tony Michaels podcast, Podcast in your face, Commentary of current events in political news.

No rules. No boundaries. I think we've made that perfectly clear. We hope you enjoyed the show and we'll be back soon. In the meantime, follow Tony on social media at the Tony Michaels. And until next time, raise a fist and repeat after me. Fuck him. Fuck him.

Murphy's Barn, head ass speaking.